Wednesday, October 23, 2013


            "I'm Talking Seriously Silly!"


                                    By Alan P. Scaglone


When you become a man of a certain age…
That would be me…white haired beard and all…
You just start to ask yourself some questions about life…
The one you lived, the one you didn’t…
And the one you always wish you had.

Points2Ponder  What’s the one thing you always wanted to do—but never did?”

I am going to admit something at this moment that a lot of people may not know about me.
I have always wanted to be a standup comedian!
I just have always thought it would be so much fun to share some of the things that make me laugh.
Hoping that they, in turn, make others laugh.
For example…
Questions about “what if” this mated with that?
And things I wonder about?
And of course—what if this animal was crossed with that animal?
Just things that make me laugh.
It’s been a lifelong dream of mine—one that I have never quite gotten up the courage to do!
Oh…I’ve had material ready for years—and I have tweaked it over the years.
At one point, about 10 years ago, I had even gotten some work friends excited…
And they were going to meet me at an “open mike” night so I could try out my material.
Needless to say… a family crisis arose, I had to cancel, and…
Let’s just say—I never got around to rescheduling that “open mike” moment.
But… when I dream—I am in that spotlight, on that stage, doing my routine.
Stuff like…
If 2 people with hyphenated last names got married and had a kid…
Johnny Smithen-Cracker married Julie Wesson-Jax
Would their daughter Jamie be…
Jamie Smithen-Wesson-Cracker-Jax?
And things I wonder about…
Is there another planet out there…
Talking about how much they love barbecue ribs—but human males are tougher than females!
And are they licking their hands and cleaning their teeth—because those ribs just get between your teeth!
And what if fish had families that they went home to?
Can you imagine the talk at the dinner table when Freddie Fish comes in With A Hook in his Gill?
I can hear it now--- “Now just where have you been, young man? And how do you expect me to explain that at church next Sunday?”
And my favorite…
What do you call the product of…
An Elephant mating with a Rhinocerous?

Okay, Okay… so maybe
This is why I haven’t ever done my material in public.
But… In my mind—I’m up there—in the lights—telling me jokes—going “What? What? It’s the stuff I think about! So shoot me!”

 What have you always wanted to do… and never quite mustard up the courage to try?
Keep it silly…
Not be an astronaut or cure cancer…
More like…
 Be a clown in a circus or… a mime on the streets of Paris!
Something seriously silly!

Care to share?


I’m Just… Reflecting on -- Life!


SELECT the link BELOW!   YOU can send Alan an email!
Share your secret silly self!





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