Sunday, October 20, 2013

Reflections of...Reassurance!

"Nano and Jett playing his game-without instructions!"

Reflections Of…Reassurance!

                    by Alan P. Scaglione

Jett spent the night at Nano and Nana’s house this weekend!
Some of you may know just what a great time that was for us!
We picked him up Friday night, buckled him up in his car seat…
And off we went, on our adventure!
We sent to Publix for his chocolate milk—one of Jett’s must haves with Nano and Nana!
Then we went to his favorite store (and his Mommy’s)—Target!
Jett is 4 years old but he is already a great negotiator.
He asked if he could have one toy—sure Jett, one toy—but just one, okay?
I remember those words!
Nana went into another section of the store, but Jett was pulling me by the hand to TOYS!
Amazing how he knew exactly where that section was!
Jett is enamored with all things Angry Birds!
So… he went looking for that section.
Couldn’t find anything.
Found a clerk—he pointed us to a small section for Angry Birds merchandise.
4 items!
How do I know?
Jett counted them—out loud!
He stood there, contemplating which one to choose.
He looked at me and said “only 1 toy?”
I said yes, just one.
He moved from toy to toy, assessing their WOW factor!
I know this because some of them caused him to say “WOW!”
I was watching them also—their prices!
WOW! Someone’s making money off the latest thing to cause kids to beg for merchandise!
He finally settled on one thing—it was a game—and he decided that he had to have it.
How did he know that it was also the most expensive of the 4 choices?
But it was still “just 1 toy!”
We made it to Nano and Nana’s house, and as soon as we got in the door—
Jett said “Nano, let’s play my game!”
And so…we proceeded to take all the parts out (there must have been 40)
And I started to read the instructions, and Jett started to play—without needing instructions!
And so… we played with his new game—with the rules he came up with – with the real rules ignored!
Sometimes, I sure wish life were like that—you don’t like the rules—just make up your own!
So we get to the time to go to bed, after brushing our teeth.
I lie down with him to tell him a bible story—his dad does this with him every night, so I followed the routine.
Then we say our prayers.
Did you know that they have changed the “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep!” prayer?
Yep—now it ends with “May Angels guide me through the night, till I wake up to morning’s light!”
Apparently, the “If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take!” part was scary for kids—who knew?
I raised my kids on it—no one complained—but now, it’s just not comforting or reassuring enough for them.
Of course, we were the generation who just put pots and pans and spatulas and wooden spoons on the floor—playtime!
Anybody remember doing that?
Back to Jett’s bedtime.
After the prayer time, Jett asks me to lie down next to him.
He then takes my arm and wraps it around him.
Then he takes his hand and puts it under my hand.
He yawns, and starts to shut his eyes and says…
“Nano, I love you. As long as you are here, I know I will be okay. Good night!”
And within about 3 minutes, he starts to quietly snore.
He was safe in my arms—and he knew he could go to sleep and I would protect him.
The reassurance that someone you trust is watching over you.
Sometimes, as adults, we need that reassurance.
The scripture says “Lo, I am with you always!”
So…maybe you need to feel an arm around you…
Maybe you need to put your hand under someone else’s…
Just know-- Christ is with you…to keep you safe… always!
So you can sleep… like a baby!
Be reassured—HE is in control!

 Brother “A”

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