Sunday, July 21, 2013

Reflections of... Reunions!

            "I can't wait to see my Aunt Ciria in Heaven!"

      Reflections Of… Reunions!

                              by Alan P. Scaglione

So… it’s Saturday morning, and it looks like it’s about to rain.
Ten in the morning…and I do not want to do this, but…
I know if I don’t, it will rain, and… there goes my window of opportunity.
It’s the ol’ dreaded Mow the Lawn moment—and it’s now or never!
I have my routine—most men do when it comes to yard work.
If you notice ladies—a lot of us guys are patterned people—we tend to do certain things in certain ways.
And no—that is not a rut!
So… I move the car, pull out the mower, check the gas, and start the process!
For those who know—I do not have a big yard and it is mowed in 45 minutes or less, depending on how high it is.
But still—those clouds are getting darker and… I have to get this done!
Mowing commences… front yard runs pretty smoothly.
Back yard begins…
Did I mention that I was in an old Nike t-shirt and shorts shorts, in my “yard shoes” (old shoes I use each week just to mow!)…
And I was sweating like a dog by the time back yard hits.
My lovely wife always has bottle of ice cold water waiting for him as I turn into the back yard!
So… I am starting the back yard and I look back to make sure I had finished the side of the house…
And—I see something I am not used to seeing on the side of my house.
There’s two people walking toward me, dressed up—remember—I am NOT dressed for company!
Could it be neighborhood religious canvassers—you know who I am talking about—I don’t have time to engage in conversation—storms abrewing!
Lawn mower still running—I turn to face the lady and gentleman – and, in a split second, my mind rushes through all the faces I have known…
Over the past 50 years, and I just blurt out “Melzy? Ronnie?”
And there they were—I haven’t seen them in 35 years—back from my years in the Young Gospel Singers—a favorite period of my life!
And there they were—out of impulse, I reached out and hugged her—did I mention that I was sweating? Yeh—sorry about that Melzy!
She didn’t mind… we were just caught up in the moment of “reunion” – seeing someone who meant a lot to you but life just took you on separate paths!
But you always remembered one another fondly!
They looked just like when we were kids—hadn’t changed a bit! Still so young and friendly and kind and loving!
And they  were in my back yard—all dressed up and talking to the incredible sweating man!
“If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake!” is an old song that comes to mind!
As they left—and I waved at them driving off—I wondered—is that how heaven will be?
I have been told my whole life “You are going to be surprised by those you see in heaven—and those you don’t!”
But the unexpected, exuberant joy of seeing those you haven’t seen in years—again!
The Word says “In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you, and I will come again and receive you!(John 14:1)
And the Word talks about us being “Compassed about by a cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 13:1) and also says “it does not yet appear what we shall be,
But we will be like HIM!” (I John 3:1)
All of it talks about seeing HIM, being in HEAVEN, meeting our loved ones and friends…
If it’s anything like seeing Melzy and Ronnie—I can’t wait!

Brother “A”

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